Contact Us

Want to make an appointment with the Enhanced Access Service?

Contact your practice to request an appointment in the Enhanced Access Service that runs in the evenings and at weekends. Appointments are booked in advance and some appointments will be available to book on the day, either via your own practice or via NHS111. This is not a walk-in service ALL patients need an appointment to have a consultation with a GP or other Healthcare Professional.

Need to cancel your appointment with the Enhanced Access Service? If you need to cancel an appointment, please contact your surgery during Monday - Friday to 6.30pm, or alternatively using your online app where available


We welcome all enquiries, complaints and compliments. We process all feedback as a vital tool to ensure continuous improvement of our services. Please submit via the email form or buttons above, referring to the relevant service in the first sentence of your message, or write to us at Head Office, BEDOC 16 Stephenson Court, Fraser Road, Priory Business Park Bedford MK44 3WJ. All patient queries must go through your registered GP Practice. For non patient related queries please call 01234 889089 you may be asked to leave a message - please do not use this line to try to book or change appointments. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Service Feedback

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Head Office: